What have you gained from your learning experience in this program thus far?
So far, my experience in the Applied Digital Learning Master’s program has been incredibly rewarding, providing me with both practical skills and a deeper understanding of how technology can enhance learning in higher education. I have gained hands-on experience with various digital tools and platforms, such as using Wix to building my portfolio, learning how to integrate them effectively into my learning environments. Additionally, the program has helped me refine my ability to critically assess and adapt emerging technologies to meet the needs of diverse learners. Through collaboration with peers and engaging in real-world case studies, I have also developed a stronger understanding of the challenges and opportunities in digital learning.
How will you incorporate elements of the COVA model into your ePortfolio?
I plan to incorporate elements of the COVA (Choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authenticity) model into my ePortfolio to create a personalized and reflective showcase of my learning journey. By offering choices in how I present my work, I will allow for a variety of media that best reflect my strengths and interests. Ownership will be needed through my documentation of the projects and accomplishments I’ve taken responsibility for, demonstrating the progress I’ve made in my learning. I will ensure my voice is heard by writing authentically about my experiences, challenges, and growth, giving insight into my personal and professional development. Finally, I will have authenticity by showcasing work that is meaningful and represents my genuine learning process.
What factors would contribute to ePortfolio persistence beyond your program of study?
First, maintaining a clear sense of purpose and relevance is a must. By continuously updating my ePortfolio to reflect my evolving career goals, personal achievements, and professional projects, it will remain a valuable tool for self-reflection and career advancement. Also, integrating feedback from mentors, peers, and colleagues will keep the content dynamic and aligned with institutional trends. The practice of regularly revisiting and fine-tuning the ePortfolio will ensure it stays current and showcases my continued growth. Also, establishing the habit of using my ePortfolio for networking and job opportunities will help me keep it alive and utilized as a living document throughout my career.
What is the most valuable lesson you have learned thus far in the program?
The most valuable lesson I have learned thus far is the importance of persevering through tough times while keeping my eye on the ultimate goal. There have been moments of challenge and frustration, but I’ve realized that resilience is key to navigating these obstacles. By maintaining a growth mindset, I’ve learned to embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than roadblocks. This shift in perspective has allowed me to stay motivated, adapt, and find solutions even when faced with difficulties. Understanding that growth is a continuous process has helped me remain focused on progress rather than perfection, ultimately empowering me to push through challenges and stay committed to my academic and professional goals.